
Observatory Zeutschach

AZ800 placed in a nature park

Look at the stars in Zeutschach, Austria’s largest private observatory in 2017 is located in the Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen Nature Park – in “dirt-free” air: In Zeutschach, at 1.050 meters above sea level, our Customer from vienna has made his dream of astronomy come true. The observatory is also open to the public.

Used Products

AZ800 placed in a nature park

Products in use

ASA AZ800 f6.85

A high-end complete telescope system with 0.8m aperture

  • Optical design: Ritchey-Chrétien RC
  • Linear central obstruction: 41%
  • Focus position: Nasmyth 2 as standard, 4 as option
  • Focal length: 5480mm
  • Focal ratio system: f6.85
  • Clear Aperture / Focal Ratio Primary Mirror: 800mm (31,5 inch) / f2.5
  • Image field: 120mm (1.25 degrees)
  • Mirror material: Fused silica
  • Surface quality: >94 strehl
  • Microroughness: 1nm RMS / <0.7nm Ra
  • Coating: Al+SiO2 >96 %
  • Back Focus from flange: 252.7mm
  • Weight tube: 800 kg (1763.7 lbs)
  • Azimuth / altitude range of motion: 680 degree / 5-90 degree
  • Software: ASA API (application programming interface) available autumn 2024 ASA Software(Autoslew, Sequence-windows based, ACC) with ASCOM-Alpaca
  • Max. slew speeds: Up to 50 degrees per second
  • Pointing Accuracy (20° to 85°): <8” RMS with pointing model
  • Tracking Accuracy (20° to 85°): <0,25” RMS within 5 minutes tracking time over 5 min 0,05” RMS/min
  • System Natural Frequency: 10 Hz or greater
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