ASA successfully installs third AZ1500 telescope
ASA AZ1500 f6 in georgian
at E. Kharadze Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory, Abastumani
ASA has successfully completed the installation of its third AZ1500 f6 telescope at the E. Kharadze Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory in Abastumani. The first images captured by the new telescope include stunning views of the spiral galaxies M101 and M51, as well as the globular clusters M71 and M92.
ASA Impressions
Products in use
ASA AZ1500 f6
An evolution milestone of high-end telescope systems (1.5m aperture)
- Optical design: Ritchey-Chrétien RC
- Linear central obstruction: 43%
- Focus position: Nasmyth 2 as standard, 4 as option
- Focal ratio system: f6
- Clear Aperture / Focal Ratio Primary Mirror: 1500mm (59,1 inch) / f2
- Image field: 200mm (1.27 degrees)
- Mirror material: Zerodur
- Surface quality: >94 strehl
- Microroughness: 1nm RMS / <0.7nm Ra
- Coating: Al+SiO2 >91%
- Back Focus from flange: 513mm
- Weight tube: 5000kg (11023lbs)
- Software: ASA API (application programming interface) available autumn 2024 ASA Software(Autoslew, Sequence-windows based, ACC) with ASCOM-Alpaca
- Pointing Accuracy (20° to 85°): <8” RMS with pointing model
- Tracking Accuracy (20° to 85° – unguided, with current pointingfile): <0,25” RMS within 5 minutes
- System Natural Frequency: 10 Hz or greater
- Satellite tracking: All sky pointing error (20°-85°) 8” RMS more info