
Big ASA RC telescopes for ESO

Big ASA telescopes for ESO

A new national facility at ESO’s La Silla Observatory has successfully made its first observations. The ExTrA (Exoplanets in Transits and their Atmospheres) ASA 0.6m telescopes will search for and study Earth-sized planets orbiting nearby red dwarf stars. ExTrA’s novel design allows for much improved sensitivity compared to previous searches. Astronomers now have a powerful new tool to help in the search for potentially habitable worlds.
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Big ASA telescopes for ESO

Products in use

ASA RC600_2

0.6m Ritchey-Chrétien, polar wedge and DDM200 Direct Drive mount

  • Optical design: Ritchey-Chrétien RC
  • Linear central obstruction: 40%
  • Focal length: 4200mm
  • Focal ratio system: f7
  • Clear Aperture / Focal Ratio Primary Mirror: 600mm (23.6 inch) / f2.5
  • Image field: 100mm (1.36 degrees)
  • Mirror material: Fused silica
  • Back Focus from flange: 210.38mm
  • Weight tube: 105kg (231lbs)
  • Motor: ASA Direct Drive
  • Latitude Range: 0 to 90 degrees
  • Max. load capacity: 200kg (441lbs)
  • Weight mount (without counterweight): 138kg (304lbs)
  • Software: ASA API (application programming interface) available autumn 2024 ASA Software(Autoslew, Sequence-windows based, ACC) with ASCOM-Alpaca
  • Max. slew speeds: Up to 50 degrees per second
  • Pointing Accuracy (20° to 85°): <8” RMS with pointing model and ASA telescope
  • Tracking Accuracy (20° to 85°): <0,25” RMS within 5 minutes tracking time over 5 min 0,05” RMS/min
  • System Natural Frequency: 10 Hz or greater
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